Sunday, September 25, 2005

The Metric Century

Today we rode in the Apple Cider Century in Three Oaks, Michigan. We completed the Metric Century which is 62 miles. That's a new personal best. The ride was great, over 4000 riders through some pretty farmland in south western Michigan. Part of the ride skirted the coast of Lake Michigan and went by some gorgeous lake homes. Places worth several million dollars each. The kind of places you need Lance Armstrong money to buy. It started raining about halfway through the ride and made the last half kind of wet. Even with the rain it was a great ride and we are looking forward to the Big One in Death Valley. We also saw fellow Death Valley rider Joe Schmeider as we were finishing up. A great day at ACC 2005.

This weeks totals:
9/20 - 19 miles, White Pine Trail south
9/21- 14 miles, WPT north
9/23 - 12 miles, Belmont to 10 Mile to WPT
9/25 - 62 miles, the Apple Cider (Metric) Century

1 comment:

did said...

Don't you just LOOOOVE comment spam? There's a tool you can turn on that should foil this kind of thing - in the Settings tab, under Comments, turn word verification to "on" and commenters will have to re-type a picture of a word to post. I have that turned on in mine.

Anyway, great ride this past weekend! I can't wait to get to Asheville; my brain left last week some time.
