Sunday, December 16, 2007
What do cyclists do in the winter?
Friday, December 07, 2007
New photo link
And... we are starting to plan for the 2008 ride. More details coming soon.
Friday, November 16, 2007
Ride team video is on-line
Thursday, November 15, 2007
A cool ride
We had a end of the season party over at New Holland Brewery on Tuesday night. It was great seeing all our teammates again. We also kicked off the 2008 ride season. There were several new people at the party that we are recruiting to ride with us next year. Oh, and the (almost) final total for money raised by the West Michigan Ride Team is $250,000. Thanks to everyone who contributed and watch this space for more news about next year's ride.
Monday, November 05, 2007
This Year's Ride Totals
So the final numbers for the 2007 JDRF Ride training season are:
Tom: 1,683 miles
Mary: 1,187 miles
Sunday, October 28, 2007
More thoughts on the ride
I’ve been looking at photos, watching videos and reading emails this morning and I am amazed at what this team has accomplished in three short years. Our first year, 2005, we had 14 riders in Death Valley and 12 more in Ashville. We were all “newbies”. We had no idea about the Death Valley terrain or the route. “Jubilee Pass is how high?” We didn’t know about posters on the room doors or identifying markings on our helmets. And why do we need a “supply” stop in Parhrump? Today we are the rock stars of the Valley. The un-official coolest team at the ride. My sides hurt all weekend. Sometimes from the riding, but more often from the laughs we shared around the pool and dinner. I will take away many memories from this ride that will last the rest of my life.
Carmen’s incredible enthusiasm for every part of the experience.
John Jasker riding up to the top of Jubilee twice to help other riders on our team achieve their goals.
Sean and Rob and Ted’s four letter shout outs.
The dorm party on Saturday night.
Our little pace line on the way back from Ashford Mills. Patti, Nicole, Carmen, Melanie and I. Plus the guys we picked up along the way, Micah from Israel and the kid whose name I forgot.
Helmet stars? A great idea. Bunny ears and a tail? It looked good on Rob.
Did I mention that Melanie Williamson is a monster climber?
Seeing Mark and Terry Hereen on Friday night and then out on the road on Saturday. And in Vegas on Sunday and Monday. Thanks for all the rides.
Underwater photography by Kevin Owens.
Sitting around for hours in the hot tub at the Flamingo in Vegas, discussing the ride.
The convenience store lunch on Friday with Katie, Steve and Nicole.
The crash and my interesting scar.
Dave the Ninja.
Finishing the ride in a sandstorm. Is that what normal people do on a Saturday night?
Turning 50 surrounded by some of the most positive people I have ever met in my life.
And to the two people who made this whole weekend possible, Coach Mike and Cruise Director Mary. While we were having fun before the ride they were working behind the scenes to make sure everything went off without a hitch. Thanks to them and Linda Clark and Sophie, our West Michigan support team.
One last thought. With 98 miles completed I was done. The wind was too strong. It was too hot. My body had nothing left. There were other riders on our team, much stronger than me, who had already sagged in. I looked up to see another long climb on the stretch between Badwater and the turn for Furnace Creek. I was done. I then looked down at the little card that had been on my handlebars since the start. One quote caught my eye. “Energy and persistence conquer all things.” At that point I looked at the photo of my son and said, “Well Jake, I’ve got no more energy, I guess we’ll have to use a double dose of persistence.” And our little pace line crossed the finish line together. Thanks to everyone who participated. You are all rock stars in my book. And if we can conquer the ride in Death Valley, I have no doubt that we can also conquer diabetes.
Ride On.
Friday, October 26, 2007
More Ride News
Here's a photo of us at the top of Jubilee Pass. We are smiling because we think we've accomplished the hardest part of the ride. The winds haven't started yet and the temperature is still below 90.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Photos from the 2007 Ride
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
We are home
We fought a head wind on the way back from Jubilee Pass again this year. This time it was a sustained 30 MPH with gusts to 40. The last 5 miles were ridden in a sandstorm! It was also hotter than last year. The temperature peaked at 3:40 in the afternoon at 104 degrees. The heat and the wind took their toll on Mary as she completed 88 miles of the route. Tom rode the entire 105, but it took 11 hours. Many people on our team and Death Valley ride veterans from other teams said it was the hardest thing they have ever done. More on that later...
This week's ride totals:
10/19 - 10 miles; Tune up ride to Zabriske Point and back
10/20 - 88 miles; Death Valley Ride to Cure Diabetes (Mary)
10/20 - 105 miles; Death Valley Ride to Cure Diabetes (Tom)
Total: 98 miles (Mary)
Total: 115 miles (Tom)
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Bye bye
This is probably the last post until we return. But then we'll have lots to talk about and tons of cool photos.
Here's a memory from 2006.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Just days away
On Thursday morning, 36 people from the West Michigan Bike Team will board airplanes and fly to Las Vegas. From there we will catch shuttle buses out to the Furnace Creek Ranch in Death Valley. On Friday morning there will be a 10 mile, get reacquainted with your bike seat ride. On Saturday we will pedal 105 miles across Death Valley for JDRF. On Sunday, we sleep by the pool in Las Vegas. Thanks to everyone who has contributed to this worthy cause. We'll have more reports on the actual ride in the days ahead.
This week's ride totals:
10/8 - 37 miles; WPT north to Sand Lake (Mary)
10/8 - 32.7 miles; WPT north to Cedar Springs (Tom)
Total: 37 miles - Mary
Total: 32.7 miles - Tom
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Riding the trail
Sunday, October 07, 2007
Two weeks to DV-Day
This week's ride totals:
10/4 - 15.6 miles; WPT north (Tom)
10/4 - 8 miles; WPT south (Mary)
10/6 - 31.4 miles; Forest Hills to Wabasis Lake to home
Total: 47 miles (Tom)
Total: 39.4 miles (Mary)
Thursday, October 04, 2007
80 degrees in October???
Two weeks from today we head out to Death Valley!
Monday, October 01, 2007
Apple Cider Century photos
Sunday, September 30, 2007
The Best Week Ever
This week's ride totals:
9/24 - 15 miles; WPT south (Tom)
9/27 - 11.7 miles; WPT north (Tom)
9/30 - 100 miles; Apple Cider Century
Total: 126.7 miles (Tom)
Total: 100 miles (Mary)
Friday, September 28, 2007
More Donor Thanks
Brent & Jennifer Deuel
Roy Dodman
Jim & Connie Hennip
Mary Ellen Koziol
Marc & Jane Longstreet
Dennis & Kim Moline
Greg & Gail Raap
David & Jennifer Shane
Kim Summers
Bill & Ginger Young
Home Care Services - Lynette Dykhouse
Stonecrest Productions - Dave Mackenzie
XCEL Chemical - Laryy & Amy Hewitt
Sunday, September 23, 2007
It's Apple Pickin' Time
This weeks ride totals:
9/18 - 30.7 miles; WPT north (Tom)
9/20 - 18.5 miles; eastern loop (Tom)
9/20 - 11.1 miles; WPT south (Mary)
9/22 - 41.4 miles; western apple orchard loop
Total: 90.6 miles (Tom)
Total: 52.5 miles (Mary)
Thursday, September 20, 2007
A word from one of our sponsors.
XS Energy Drinks has donated hundreds of cases of energy drink and water for our ride team to use as a fund raiser. If you are interested in purchasing some please let us know. 100% of the proceeds go to fund our ride team.
Thanks to XS and thanks to you for your support!
One month to go
Sunday, September 16, 2007
The White Pine Trail
This week's ride totals:
9/13 - 25.2 miles; WPT north to Cedar Springs (Tom)
9/16 - 22.7 miles; WPT south to GR (Tom)
Total: 47.9 miles (Tom)
Sunday, September 09, 2007
Why we do this
We have a great group of riders on the West Michigan team. Half of us have done the ride and the other half go soon. These rides continue to change lives, not just of the riders, but of the kids afflicted with diabetes. Thanks Dawn, for making that point so clear today.
This week's ride totals:
9/3 - 16.4 miles; WPT north (Tom)
9/5 - 13.7 miles; WPT south
9/9 - 23.5 miles; Tunnel Park to Kirk Park (Ottawa County) and back
Total: 37.2 miles (Mary)
Total: 53.6 miles (Tom)
Sunday, September 02, 2007
This week's roundup
This week's ride totals:
8/28 - 14 miles; WPT south (Tom)
8/31 - 16.7 miles; WPT north (Tom)
9/1 - 36 miles; Cannonsburg Rd. to Lincoln Lake Rd.
Total: 66.7 miles (Tom)
Total: 36 miles (Mary)
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Michigan, Montana and points in-between
Tom stayed in Michigan, putting in many work hours but also setting up the JDRF goodie tent at the Rockford Criterium on Saturday. Today he got out for a ride and actually made it up to Sand Lake and rode on 3 miles of newly paved WPT. Yeah! At long last the paving project is underway. When finished in September we will be able to do a 36 mile round trip on the trail from our front door. Because the trail isn't completely paved yet Tom had to do some regular roads and the ride ended up being 41 miles.
This week's ride totals:
8/21 - 16.4 miles; Post, 9 Mile, Division, WPT loop
8/26 - 41 miles; WPT paved sections north (Tom)
Total: 16.4 miles -Mary
Total: 57.4 miles -Tom
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Riding between raindrops
Tomorrow Mary leaves with half our team for the ride in Whitefish, Montana. She won't be riding, she's there to help with logistics. We have 20 riders in Whitefish this month, another five there in September and about 37 of us in Death Valley in October. Altogether we'll raise nearly a quarter of a million dollars for diabetes research. Woo hoo!
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Busy week
This week's ride totals:
8/13 - 21 miles; Courtland, Meyers Lake, 13 miles, WPT (Tom)
8/17 - 22 miles; Grand River Dr. (Tom)
8/17 - 11 miles; Grand River Dr. (Mary)
Total: 43 miles (Tom)
Total: 11 miles (Mary)
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Fundraising week
This week's ride totals:
8/8 - 23 miles; WPT north (Tom)
8/10 - 21 miles; WPT south (Tom)
Total: 44 miles (Tom)
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
Jake's Music Festival THIS Saturday

Sunday, August 05, 2007
Is that a hill?
This week's ride totals:
8/2 - 14 miles; WPT Coit loop (Tom)
8/3 - 14.5 miles; WPT north (Tom)
8/5 - 48.5 miles; Schmeider's hill route (see above)
Total: 48.5 miles - Mary
Total: 77 miles - Tom
Thursday, August 02, 2007
Death Valley style heat
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Another big week
On a separate note, Tom seems to have come down with DID disease, named for fellow rider Derek Dykstra. He had two flats on Friday and another one today. We've thinking about seeing if we can get a team bulk discount on tubes.
This week's ride totals:
7/23 - 20 miles; WPT north (Tom)
7/24 - 11 miles; Cascade to home (Mary)
7/25 - 11 miles; Cascade to home again (Mary)
7/25 - 24.7 miles; Western farmland loop (Tom)
7/27 - 37.3 miles; Musketawa Trail
7/29 - 28 miles; Wabasis Lake and back (Tom)
7/29 - 32 miles; Wabasis Lake and back (Mary)
Total: 110 miles - Tom
Total: 91.3 miles - Mary
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Muskatawa Trail
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
It's just a little bunny rabbit
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Holland Hundred
Saturday was a perfect day for riding. Cool in the morning, warm with a light breeze in the afternoon. A great day to knock out 67 miles, also known as a 100 kilometers. We took part in the Holland Hundred and rode east from Holland for about 15 miles then headed back west and stopped for a pancake breakfast at the 28 miles mark. We then turned south for Fennville, headed west to the lakeshore, and north to Saugatuck. We crossed the Kalamazoo River on the chain ferry and then had a short ride back to Holland. We saw lots of out JDRF Ride team mates, including Joe and John Schmeider, Linda and Don Milanowski, Rod and Diane Stevens and John Jasker. There were more there but with 1300 riders it's difficult to meet up with everyone. Coach Mike, Ted Bently and the crew from VeloCity did a great job helping organize the ride. A great way to cap off a big ride week.
This week's ride totals:
7/16 - 20 miles; WPT south (Tom)
7/17 - 20 miles; WPT north
7/18 - 30 miles; Townsend Park, Gratten, home loop (Mary)
7/19 - 12 miles; Rocky's for ice cream with Ian (Tom)
7/21 - 67 miles; Holland Hundred
Total: 119 miles (Tom)
Total: 117 miles (Mary)
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Photos from trail riding
Bikes and blues
On Monday Tom did the southern WPT, riding through Riverside Park all the way to Ann Street in Grand Rapids and then home. Another 20 miler.
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Mixed week
This week's ride totals:
7/9 - 25 miles; WPT south to Grand Rapids and back (Mary)
7/10 - 21 miles; WPT north from North Park to Rockford and home (Tom)
7/12-7/14 - 12 miles; Trail riding in Manistee national Forest
Total: 37 miles (Mary)
Total: 35 miles (Tom)
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Dang, it's hot outside!
Sunday, July 08, 2007
A hot week
This Week's Ride Totals:
7/3 - 24.7 miles; WPT and east
7/5 - 25.5 miles; eastern Rockford loop (Tom)
7/6 - 8.8 miles; Apline ave to WPT and home (Mary)
7/7 - 13 miles; WPT to Rockford and back (Tom)
Total: 63.2 miles (Tom)
Total: 33.5 miles (Mary)
Friday, July 06, 2007
Separate Rides
Mary took the van in for service this morning over on Alpine Avenue and rode her bike home. She went Alpine to Turner to North Park and then took the WPT north to home. 8.8 miles and think of the gas she saved.
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
Happy 4th

We had a nice ride on Tuesday afternoon. Everyone seemed to be getting ready for the holiday so the White Pine Trail was pretty empty. We rode to the end of the pavement and then turned west, crossing 131 on Indian Trails Rd, then taking Edgerton south to 13 Mile. Going east on 13 Mile hooked us back up with the WPT for the quick buzz home. Almost 25 miles in all.
Monday, July 02, 2007
July First Team Ride Photos
Sunday, July 01, 2007
A very good week
Today was our team ride from Coach Mike's house in Holland. We did a 44 mile loop that took us through Fennville and Saugatuck. The best part was a group of about 20 of us riding right through downtown Saugatuck. Did we get some looks from the tourists. We had about 30 riders altogether, almost half our team. It was by far the best team ride showing we've had. Probably because of the fajitas Mike made upon our return. We'll be posting photos of all the fun later in the week.
This week's ride totals:
6/27 - 20 miles; Townsend park, Bostwick Lake loop (Tom)
6/29 - 10 miles; Hill training (Tom)
7/1 - 44 miles; Holland, Fennville, Saugatuck loop
Total: 44 miles (Mary)
Total: 74 miles (Tom)
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Donor Thank You's part 2
Chris Behrens
Jim & Mary Clinthorne
Robin Duvall
Steve & Stacy Farr
June Hennip
Jim & Connie Hennip
Mike & Jean Oele
Joe & Dena Reetz
and all the people that ate at the Corner Bar on June 18th.
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Jake's Music Festival

Sunday, June 24, 2007
Sunday, Sunday, Sunday...
This week's ride totals:
6/19 - 17.5 miles: WPT to Rogue River Blues
6/22 - 15.5 miles; WPT south to the ballpark (Tom)
6/24 - 33 miles; loop east of Lake Paw Paw
Total: 50.5 miles (Mary)
Total: 66 miles (Tom)
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Yummy dogs again
Yesterday we were in downtown Rockford again. This time we rode in and enjoyed a little of the Rogue River Blues concert. Put in 17 and 1/2 miles on the WPT last night. We do love these long summer nights with the late sunset. We can actually get a ride in after dinner.
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Team Ride and Update
This week's ride totals:
6/12 - 15.6 miles; WPT to Rockford and back (Tom)
6/13 - 13 miles; WPT to Rockford and back (Mary)
6/15 - 20 miles; WPT south to Riverside Park and back (Tom)
6/17 - 36.8 miles; western loop with the team
Total: 72.4 miles (Tom)
Total: 49.8 miles (Mary)
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Blues and bikes
This afternoon Mary and our other son, 12 year old Ian, rode to Rockford for Corner Bar hotdogs, a stop at the library and ice cream. The WPT sure makes it convenient to bop up to Rockford for a quick bite. We can hardly wait until it's paved to Sand Lake.
Sunday, June 10, 2007
A good week
This Weeks Ride Totals:
6/4 - 12 miles; Rockford for hot dogs
6/6 - 30 miles; Cascade/Ada/Lowell (Mary)
6/6 - 14 miles; WPT south (Tom)
6/8 - 20 miles; Grandville to Rockford (Mary)
6/10 - 35 miles; western farmland loop (Tom)
Total: 62 miles (Mary)
Total: 61 miles (Tom)
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
Take a look at where we are going

Tuesday, June 05, 2007
Mmmm... hot dogs

Sunday, June 03, 2007
Another update
This week's ride totals:
5/31 - 19.6 miles; Rockford via Childsdale and Summit
Total: 19.6 miles (Tom)
Thursday, May 31, 2007
New twist on an old route
Monday, May 28, 2007
The Monday Night Update
So this week's numbers are skewed a bit with the holiday making it an eight day week, but we only rode twice.
This week's ride totals:
5/22 - 15 miles; WPT north (Tom only)
5/28 - 34.3 miles; Lake Paw Paw to South Haven and back
Total: 34.3 miles - Mary
Total: 49.3 miles - Tom
Friday, May 25, 2007
Nearing the end...
Sunday, May 20, 2007
The weekend warrior report
Saturday -Tom alone (sniff)
Rode out Post Road to Pine Island Road and took that south to West River Drive near Comstock Park. Hopped on the White Pine Trail heading north to return home. A quick 14 miles between soccer games and dinner.
Sunday - Tom and Mary (yeah)
We rode from our current home in Rockford, south on the White Pine Trail, through the west side of Grand Rapids to our old home on Scott Street. It was neat to see the first house we owned again, we even talked to the current owner (A very nice young lady). A tree we planted as a seedling when Collen was born 19 years ago is now over 25 feet tall. We had a couple of big hill climbs to get up to our old house, but it was worth it. We then retraced our route to get home, logging 28 miles in all.
This week's ride totals:
5/19 - 14.1. miles; Post to Pine Island to WPT loop
5/20 - 28.3 miles: Rockford house to old GR house and back
Total: 42.4 miles (Tom)
Total: 28.3 miles (Mary)
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Riding the WPT
Tom was out on the trail on his own this week. Wednesday was south to the Whitecaps ballpark and then home. Today was north to Russell Road and then home. Still no paving north of Russell yet. But the DOT said it would happen this spring. We'll see.
This week's ride totals:
5/9 - 13.8 miles; WPT south
5/13 - 20 miles; WPT north
Total: 33.8 miles (Tom only)
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
A Death Valley Memory
Sunday, May 06, 2007
A Good Week
A shout out to ace bike mechanic Ted Bentley of Velo-City. Tom was having rear tire blowout problems so Ted gave the bike the once over. He suggested new skinnier tires.
"They'll make you fast", said Ted.
"Fast?" asked Tom.
"Okay. Faster." said Ted.
And truth be told, they did! Those Michelin Speediums indeed made Tom speedy. A good 3-5 MPH faster on similar routes. And they handle better then the tires that came with the Cannondale. But truthfully Tom thinks that replacing the silver stem with a new black one is what really made him faster.
This week's ride totals:
5/2 - 11.6 miles; WPT north (Mary)
5/3 - 11.4 miles: Eastern loop (Tom)
5/6 - 23 miles; Western loop (Tom)
Totals: 11.6 miles (Mary)
Totals: 34.4 miles (Tom)
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
The First Donor Thank-Yous of 2007
Chris & Paula Briggs
Tim & Gloria Buist
Dinah Waldsmith Dittman
Lynn Elker
Kevin Owens
Laurence & Colleen Pierson
John & Rosie Scheidel
Smiley Family Dentistry
Henry & MariJane Wieten
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Boom Boom Boom
Mary had a much better week. On Saturday she drove to her Mom's house in Grandville. She then biked home following Kent trails, cutting across the west side of Grand Rapids to Riverside Park and then hooking up with the south end of the White Pine Trail. Almost 20 miles in all. On Sunday she reversed the trip and drove home. So we have different mileage totals again this week.
This weeks ride totals:
4/28 - 19.7 miles; Grandville to Rockford (Mary)
4/28 - 10 miles; WPT and Rouge River nature trail (Tom)
4/29 - 19.7 miles; Rockford to Grandville (Mary)
4/29 - 5 miles; around the neighborhood with son Ian (Tom)
Total: 39.4 miles (Mary)
Total: 15 miles (Tom)
Sunday, April 22, 2007
It's Sunday night, you know what that means
Today we hooked up with Sara Andro and Ted Bently, fellow Death Valley riders, and rode from the Ada/Cascade area out to Lowell and back, almost 30 miles round trip. It was a great ride, even with the massive blowout on Tom's rear tire while descending the first of several hills. Thanks for the help in changing that tire, Ted! This was our longest ride of the season so far. We are putting in more mileage earlier this year than last. Seems like I wrote that same thing in this blog about a year ago.
Finally, if you'd like to donate to the cause it's super easy this year. We have set a family goal of $8,000. To donate to Tom's ride click on the "Donate to Tom" link on the left. To donate to Mary's ride click the "Donate to Mary" link. Then just follow the simple instructions. As much as we enjoy riding our bikes on a beautiful day like today, our primary reason for being out there is to raise money for diabetes research. Thanks to those of you who have supported us in the past. Ride On!
This week's ride totals:
4/19 - 13.4 miles; WPT north
4/22 - 28.7 miles; Cascade to Lowell and back
Total: 42.1 miles
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Sunday night of a crummy week
Also, this Wednesday night is the Ride Team Kick-Off party at New Holland Brewery in Holland. That will be big fun. Stop by and have a beer with the team.
This week's totals:
4/15 - 24 miles; WPT (Mary only)
Total: 24 miles
Friday, April 13, 2007
Sunday, April 01, 2007
Sunday night update
This weeks ride totals:
3/26 - 14.7 miles; WPT north
3/29 - 20.0 miles; Riverside Park north to WPT (Mary only)
4/1 - 19.1 miles; W PT south to Riverside Park (Tom only)
This weeks total: 33.8 miles
plus 1 extra mile for Mary
Friday, March 30, 2007
A new blog
The blog is
We have also put up a link to it. While you are at it check out all the Ride links. There's some cool stuff over there.
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Out like a lamb
Sunday, March 18, 2007
The Season's First Sunday Night Update
This week's ride totals:
3/13 - 10.5 miles, White Pine Trail south
Total: 10.5 miles
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Let the season begin
Thursday, February 22, 2007
UCC Challenge
Berkiner and Ted Bentley joined Mary on the JDRF team for 12 hours of fun. The team wore their very stylish JDRF jerseys to help build awareness for the cause.
Friday, February 16, 2007
For when we ride outside again

Tuesday, February 06, 2007
Donations just got easier
Thanks in advance for your support of this worthwhile cause.
Thursday, February 01, 2007
We have made the commitment to ride Death Valley again this year. The ride is on October 20, 2007 so we have several months to train and fund raise. Right now the training is indoors, yuck. But soon (not soon enough) we'll be outside, on the trail, on the road and having fun.
Ride on!
Friday, January 12, 2007
This Just In...
Which is why I am tickled to announce that another eight-mile section of the Fred Meijer White Pine Trail will be paved this spring from Russell Road to Sand Lake, the Kent County line -- at long last."The engineering is done," said Dave Heyboer, chairman of the Friends of the White Pine Trail. "The paving will be done by the end of May."
Great news for those of us who train on the trail. With the paving to Sand Lake we will now have a 36 mile out and back route from our house up the White Pine Trail. It's going to be a great summer.
Also, here's a link to a video I put on YouTube of the 2006 Death Valley Ride.