Sunday, December 31, 2006
Happy New Year
Saturday was one of those wonderful days we seldom get in Michigan in December, sunny and 50 degrees. So we hopped on our bikes for one last ride in the 2006 season. We rode up to Rockford along the White Pine Trail. Great news on the trail, the local governments are now saying that the White Pine will be paved all the way to Sand Lake this summer. I know we've been hearing that for awhile, but it looks like it's really going to happen now.
The final Sunday Night Update for 2006
12/30 - 11.5 miles; WPT north
2006 total mileage: 1,469 miles
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Merry Christmas
Have a happy holiday season.
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Happy Thanksgiving
This week's ride totals:
11/27 - 12 miles; WPT north
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Winter in Michigan
And finally for the people out there who are into stats, it's amazing where people have been logging into this blog from. We've had visitors from 38 states including the District of Columbia and 18 countries other than the U.S. And over 1,300 hits. Now if each of those hits would just donate $10 we'd be well on our way to making next year's goal. Yeah, we're going to do this again next year. More on that later.
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Greetings from Detroit
Oh, and speaking of stories, the mojito shower that Nicole provided in Las Vegas was very refreshing. True to her word, she didn't have a repeat performance at the Andro's, but there is always next year.
Thursday, November 02, 2006
More Donor Thank You's
John and Carrie Kasper
Jack and Karen Kleinhecksel
Brian and Darolyn Mogg
Paul and Brenda Schab
Tom and Florence Scheidel
Pat and Renee Smith
Dave Usleton and SueLynn Ritsema
Paul and Sallie Wieringa
The Corner Bar
Stonecrest Productions
Tru-Vue, Inc.
Sunday, October 29, 2006
The Ride - part 3
We want to thank the folks from Adventure Corps for organizing the logistics of the ride. Here's a link to their photos
There are also photos from Bright Room. You can see them at
Tom's bib number was 757, Mary's was 758.
We also noticed that we didn't have a Sunday night update last week. That could have been because we were relaxing in Las Vegas last Sunday. But here it is, a week late.
This (last) week's ride totals:
10/20 - 10 miles; Zabriski Point, Death Valley, CA
10/21 - 105 miles; Ride for the Cure, Death Valley, CA
Total: 115 miles
Friday, October 27, 2006
The Ride - part 2
Another member of our team is Danielle Musto, who is the ranked second in mountain bike racing. Danielle was the first woman to finish the ride. She also has a blog and you can read her thoughts on the ride there. Just click on the new link to the left or on her name above.
Speaking of links, click on the Flickr badge on the left and you'll see a whole bunch of pictures from the ride. In part three we'll post links to other people's photos and some video.
This is the part of the team (we had 34 riders) that we rode most of the course with. Sue, Mary, Tom, Peggy, Lynn, Nicole, and Joe.
Beautiful but desolate countryside.
The day of the ride was Mary's birthday. The day after the ride we recuperated in Las Vegas and it was Tom's birthday. Use the comment section to guess how old we are.
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
The Ride - part 1
The West Michigan Team at Zabriski Point, the site of the Friday training ride.
Tom and Mary at the top of Jubilee Pass. This is the half way point. After this we rode back into a 20 MPH head wind.
"Naughty kitties" Peggy, Sue and Mary at Badwater.
Monday, October 23, 2006
We are back!
There were 284 riders from all across the country. 37 of those came from West Michigan. We were the second biggest team there after Wisconsin. We don't have the exact figure yet, but the ride raised between 1.5 and 2 million dollars for diabetes research. Mary and Tom both completed the full 105 mile course, which was made incredibly difficult this year by a 20 MPH head wind for the last 50 miles. Danille Musto, of the West Michigan team, was the first women to cross the finish line. (Remember, this is not a race.) West Michigan coach Mike Clark was named coach of the year. And the high temperature during the ride was only about 90 degrees. We'll have lots more soon.
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Yummy dogs
tomorrow morning we're leavin' on a jet plan for the ride. It's been a great spring and summer of training, and now our time is here. We'll post lots of photos when we return.
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Soon and very soon
This week's ride totals
10/15 - 11 miles; WPT (dirt) north
Total: 11 miles
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Bye Bye Bicycle
Sunday, October 08, 2006
Final team ride
This week's ride totals
10/3 - 20 miles; WPT north
10/6 - 13.1 miles; WPT south
10/8 - 33.7 miles; Ada to Alaska loop
Total: 66.8 miles
Friday, October 06, 2006
Dogs for Dollars
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Apple Cider photos
More donors, more thanks
Dave & Rebecca Behrens
Jaap & Janis Bosmeijer
Chris & Paula Briggs
Roy Dodman
Larry & Amy Hewitt
Dennis & Kim Moline
Jane Quinn
Mike Silverstein
Bryce & Margo Spencer
Digital Video Services
KVO Audio & Video
Sunday, October 01, 2006
Love the Cider
Three weeks until Death Valley!
This week's ride totals:
9/25 - 11 miles; hill work
9/26 - 16.8 miles; WPT south
10/1 - 77.6 miles; Apple Cider Century
Total: 105.4 miles
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Getting ready for Cider
If you haven't donated to the cause yet, it's not too late. You can click on the DONATE link to the left or mail a check made out to JDRF to Tom Scheidel, 6184 Archer ST. NE, Rockford, MI 49341.
Thanks for your help in eradicating diabetes.
Sunday, September 24, 2006
An easy week
This week's ride totals:
9/18 - 13.1 miles; WPT south
9/20 - 21 miles; WPT north
Total: 34.1 miles
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Fun Food Fundraiser
Sunday, September 17, 2006
Sunday night update
This week's totals:
9/14 - 22.2 miles; WPT north
9/15 - 24.3 miles; Holland loop
Total: 46.7 miles
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Moab report
So since we have no personal riding to report I thought I'd post a picture of head coach Mike (center) and assistant coaches Patrick and Rachel on their recent mountain biking trip to Moab. You can see more of their really cool photos by clicking here.
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Cool day, cool ride
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Lunch time ride
Sunday, September 03, 2006
This week in biking
This week's ride totals:
8/29 - 15 miles; WPT south
9/1 - 26.5 miles; WPT north, then to 15 Mile and back
9/3 - 28.3 miles; WPT and Kent Trails to Byron Center
Total: 69.8 miles
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Thanks to these donors
Christine Behrens
Brent & Jennifer Deuel
Jim & Susan Hayes
Mary Ellen Koziol
Donald & Linda Milanowski
Craig Moulten
Jeff & Julia Poole
Mickel & Jeanne Scheidel
Denise Sherwood
Sharon Turnquist
Bill & Ginger Young
Sunday, August 27, 2006
It's Sunday night
Today we tried out a route we are going to do as a team ride in couple of weeks. From our house to Wabasis Lake and back. We ran in to a few dirt roads that made us reroute our route, and so we ended up doing 39 miles. The more direct route for the team will probably be a couple of miles less.
This week's ride totals:
8/23 - 17.6 miles; WPT north
8/26 - 20 miles; WPT north
8/27 - 39 miles; to Wabasis Lake and back
Total: 76.7 miles
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
A note from the Coach
"Hey Team!
Wow, what a ride! Your team mates are back from Whitefish Montana, ( I'm gonna refer to it from now on "The Land of 10,000 Subarus") and it'd be safe to say that the First Ever JDRF Big Sky Ride was a huge success for JDRF and the West Michigan Team. The course and weather were great, the people were fantastic (especially the support crew and volunteers) and everyone had a blast! It's pretty much a done deal that we'll be goin' back there and at least one JDRF BigWig that I spoke with feels that Whitefish could well become the centerpiece of the ride Program in the near future.
Congradulations are in order for Dave, Mac, Chip and Marlene who all succeeded in tallying 100+ miles on a pretty hilly course. Our "adopted" riders Kim and Kathy had good rides as well. We enjoyed the enthusiastic support from the many JDRF staffers and volunteers all weekend, foremost of which was supplied by our own Alison Hoye and Linda Clark.
Once again I left a JDRF ride humbled and inspired. Humbled to be allowed to be a part of such a project and inspired by the passion of everyone involved. I finished my ride Saturday by keepin' an eye on Chelsea and her mom from Northern Indiana. Chelsea's 13 and has been on 3 JDRF rides. She has Type 1 and she and her mom were out there doing the miles and rasing the money and trying to matter in this world, y'know?
I've said it before and I'll say it guys ROCK !!"
Sunday, August 20, 2006
THE Sunday night update
This week's totals:
8/18 - 20.4 miles; WPT north to Russell Rd. and back
8/20 - 42.8 miles; the loop described above
Total: 63.2 miles
Sunday, August 13, 2006
The best week ever (at least for this year)
Today was a nice cruise from Lake Paw Paw to South Haven and back. We went with our friends Elvin and Susan Hayes. The weather was perfect, the ride was level and we could have done more if we had more time.
This week's ride totals:
8/7 - 10.2 miles; hill work
8/8 - 13.4 miles; to Rockford and back
8/9 - 15.3 miles; WPT south
8/10 - 16 miles; to Cannonsburg and back
8/11 - 11.7 miles; to the gym, worked out, rode back
8/ 13 - 27.6 miles; Lake PawPaw to South Haven and back
Total: 94.3 miles
Friday, August 11, 2006
Puttin' in the miles
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Keep on rollin'
Yesterday was a leisurely ride up the WPT to Rockford. Listened to some live music (a local group called Organissimo) and had ice cream. An easy 13 miles.
And finally here's a photo from last Thursday's Jake's Music Festival. See more photos at the JMF web site.
Sunday, August 06, 2006
Whew... what a week
This weeks ride totals:
8/4 - 20.2 miles: WPT north and then south
8/5 - 28.2 miles: loop west and north of home
Total: 48.4 miles
Sunday, July 30, 2006
Links and things
A banner week of riding, the best week so far as far as total mileage, over 80 miles. Yesterday was the big ride, 32 miles. Started north on the White Pine Trail until the pavement ended at Russell Road. Then headed north on the street all the way to 20 mile and took that east to Northland Drive. Rode down thru Cedar Springs, hooked back up with the WPT and was home is just a shade over 2 hours. Today, we took a leisurely ride with the boys up to Rockford for hot dogs and ice cream. This Thursday night is Jake's Music Festival, a benefit concert to support our ride team. Check out info on the concert at the link below. Only $10 to see four great bands.
Now the links...
For more information about Jake's Music Festival, click here.
Derek Dykstra took some great photos of the ride team in action last Sunday. See his photos here.
To donate to Mary click here.
To donate to Tom click here.
And to see some photos from our Europe trip click here.
And finally, the Sunday night roundup...
7/25 - 16.2 miles; Myers lake to 11 miles to WPT south
7/27 - 22 miles; WPT south to Riverside Park and downtown GR and back
7/29 - 32 miles; WPT north to 20 Mile, loop thru Cedar Springs
7/30 - 11.9 miles; Rockford and back for ice cream
Total: 82.1 miles
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
More photos
The West Michigan Ride Team getting ready to head out from Ann O'Conner's.
Rachel and Nicole somewhere near Fennville.
"Rookie marks" on someone's leg. Someone with a brand new bike. Hmm...
Sunday, July 23, 2006
What a great ride
This week's ride totals:
7/18 - 18 miles: WPT north
7/20 - 16.2 miles: Holland loop
7/23 - 40.5 miles: Pullman to Douglas and back
Total: 74.7 miles
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Bike Lust "parte due"
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Thanks to our donors
Tim & Gloria Buist - Kentwood, MI
Jim & Connie Hennip - Byron Township, MI
Mike & Michelle Kenney - Dewitt, MI
Marc & Jane Longstreet - Hudsonville, MI
Ed & Nancy Reed - Grand Rapids, MI
Michelle Reed - Rockford, MI
Chris & Collette Smiley - Rockford, MI
Kim Summers - Belmont, MI
Pete & Kay Timinskis - Lowell, MI
Hank & Mari Wieten - Grand Rapids, MI
Larry & Dorothy Scheidel - Wayland, MI
It's easy to donate on-line. Just click here or follow the DONATE link to the left. Or you can support us the old fashioned way, by mailing a check. Make it out to the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation and mail it to Thomas Scheidel, 6184 Archer St. NE, Rockford, MI 49341. Thanks to all who have helped so far.
Sunday, July 16, 2006
The Sunday Night Update for July 16
This week's ride totals:
7/12 - 15.4 miles; part of the Holland 100 route
7/13 - 21.6 miles; WPT north to the end of pavement
7/15 - 13.5 miles; Coit to North Park to WPT
Total: 50.5 miles
Friday, July 14, 2006
A new bike is coming
Yesterday we rode the White Pine Trail north to where the pavement ends (for now) and then back home. That's a 21.6 mile out and back. Not a lot to report on that, just a basic training ride on our usual trail.
Sunday, July 09, 2006
In biking news we had a good team ride yesterday. We had a group of 12 that left from Ada Park and rode out Grand River Ave. toward Lowell. Five of us turned around there because of other commitments and the rest of the group continued on for what they said was going to be 40 miles. It was a good week of riding, we got out four times for the first time this summer. None of the rides were especially long, but we are building stamina.
This weeks ride totals:
7/5 - 17 miles; east of Rockford and WPT
7/6 - 14 miles; Myers Lake and WPT
7/7 - 13 miles; Cannonburg Rd.
7/8 - 15.8 miles; Ada to Lowell and back
Total: 59.8 miles
Thursday, July 06, 2006
Riding and music
In other news, get ready for the second annual Jake's Music Festival. This is a major fundraiser for our Ride Team and features four great West Michigan bands. The show takes place on August 3rd from 6:00 p.m. until midnight at the Wave Room at Celebration Cinema in northern Grand Rapids. For more information check out our website
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
Happy Blog Anniversary
Monday, July 03, 2006
Happy Summer Holidays
This week's ride totals:
6/27 - 10.9 miles; WPT north
6/30 - 18.4 miles; WPT south to Ann Street in GR
Total: 29.3 miles
Friday, June 30, 2006
We are back
Tom and Mary on Piazza Il Campo in Sienna, Italy.
Sunday, June 11, 2006
Busy time is finishing
This weeks totals:
06/06/06 - 10.8 miles, WPT north
6/11/06 - 31.2 miles, Musketawa Trail
Total: 42 miles
Sunday, June 04, 2006
It's Sunday night, time for the update
This week's ride totals:
6/4 - 28 miles; Ada to Lowell loop
Mary Scheidel, south of Lowell.
JDRF Executive Director Stacey Chase crossing the Grand River.
Sunday, May 28, 2006
A good week
This week's totals:
5/24 - 7.7 miles; the neighborhood
5/27 - 12.8 miles; around Lake Paw Paw
5/28 - 12.2 miles; around Lake Paw Paw again
Weekly total: 32.7 miles
Sunday, May 21, 2006
Who's swinging down the streets of the city...
To steal a line from an old 60's song. It has been very windy this week, so not a lot of miles, but they were hard miles baby. Against the wind. Uphill. Both ways. I'm tellin' you.
But seriously folks, Wednesday was a quick 11 mile jaunt between rain storms and today was 21 miles on the White Pine Trail. All the way to where the pavement ends and then back home again.
And we are holding Jake's Music Festival again this August. Check out the website for all the details.
This week's totals:
5/17 - 11.2 miles; WPT north
5/21 - 21 miles; WPT farther north
Total: 32.2 miles
Sunday, May 14, 2006
I can't stand the rain
This week's ride totals:
5/9 - 6.5 miles; the neighborhood
5/14 - 19 miles; WPT south to Riverside Park
Total: 25.5 miles
Sunday, May 07, 2006
Busy week, some biking
Weekly Ride Totals:
5/3 - 17.25 miles; hills and the WPT
5/7 - 21.5 miles; Meyers Lake
Total: 38.75 miles
Sunday, April 30, 2006
Three dog night
This week's ride totals:
4/27 - Lake Bella Vista: 12 miles
4/28 - WPT south: 13 miles
4/30 - WPT north: 26 miles
Total - 51 miles
Sunday, April 23, 2006
Another Sunday night review
4/18 - 8 miles; hills and interval training
4/21 - 15.2 miles; WPT north
Total: 23.2 miles
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
What a difference a year makes
Here are a couple of photos that are humorous because of the change they show. The first one shows Tom, Mary and Jacob from the donation letter we are sending out this year.
The second picture is the photo we sent out last year when we were "trying" to look like cyclists. Amazing what a year's worth of training can do. Not to mention the spandex.
Also, did some interval training today. Eight miles of sprints and hills in 30 minutes. Boy was that fun.
Sunday, April 16, 2006
Happy Easter
This week's ride totals:
4/13 - 12.7 miles; WPT south
4/14 - 15.5 miles; WPT north
Total: 28.2 miles
Thursday, April 13, 2006
We love SPRING!
In other news, make sure to check out Coach Mike Clark's Club-Velo web site. There is a link to it over in the link list on the left. Mike says it's even better than the regular bike shop site.
Sunday, April 09, 2006
A double header
Sunday was a serpentine route to a friend's house on 5 Mile Road near Thousand Oaks Golf Club. It's about 2 1/2 miles if you go straight, or over 11 if you take my way. Lots of hills. Tom also achieved his personal best speed, clocking in at 40 MPH coming down East Beltline.
This week also saw the arrival of our training schedules from coach Mike Clark. The training officially starts this week with a mileage goal of 60 miles. We'll see if the weather cooperates.
This week's totals:
4/6 - 10.3 miles; WPT north
4/9 - 11.3 miles; Plainfield area
Total: 21.6 miles
Sunday, April 02, 2006
Spring Riding
This week's ride totals:
3/30 - 12.3 miles: White Pine Trail south
Monday, March 13, 2006
Donating just got easier
Sunday, March 12, 2006
The return of the Sunday night update
As those of you who read this blog last year may remember on Sunday night we would post our mileage totals for the week. So here we go for the first time in the 2006 season.
This week's mileage totals:
3/12/06 - 14.5 miles, north on WPT
Thursday, March 02, 2006
We're doing it again
Please remember that this is a fund raiser and we are always looking for support. Soon we'll be adding a link so you can easily donate over the web. In the meantime you can use the address under our picture. A big thanks to everyone who donated last year, and an advance thanks to those who will donate this year.
Ride on!