Sunday, June 22, 2008

A Busy Week

Lots going on at work this week as Tom is getting ready for two big events and a bunch of small ones. We got some riding in, just didn't have time to write about it. On Wednesday Tom took some extra clothes to Ian who was staying overnight at a friend's house. A little 10 mile ride that also saved some gas for the car. On Friday we took Jake and Ian up to Rockford for ice cream and rode out mountain bikes. That meant we could ride on the very cool Rouge River Trail, which isn't paved. Then today we did a team ride from Ada Park to Wabasis Lake and back. After riding our mountain bikes yesterday it felt like we were floating today. A good week this week, although next week Tom is out of town on one of those events so we probably won't get a lot of miles in.

This week's ride totals:
6/18 - 10.7 miles; home to Rockford and back (Tom)
6/20 - 10 miles; to Rockford for ice cream
6/21 - 44.2 miles; Ada Park to Wabasis lake loop

Total: 64.9 miles (Tom)
Total: 54.2 miles (Mary)

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