Wednesday, January 23, 2008

New stuff added to the blog

We made a couple of additions over on the left side of this page. First, we added a link to YouTube so you can view this year's ride video. Eventually the embedded video we have posted will rotate off the first screen and we wanted to make sure that people would still be able to watch it. So find the "Ride photos & videos" heading and click on "2007 Ride Video".
Second, we added a link to a web site that will help us raise money for the cause and get us all healthier at the same time. The Health Zone offers products like XS Energy Drink (team sponsor), protein bars, and supplements. A portion of all proceeds will be donated to the JDRF West Michigan Ride Team. So look for the "Stay Healthy" heading on the left and click on the Health Zone link.
As always, thanks for your continuing support of the cause.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Winter reflection

There are some of our fellow cyclists who brave the elements and ride in all types of weather. But currently it is 11 degrees and snowing here in West Michigan. Only the insane (and I mean that in a good way) would be out riding today. We are not completely fair weather cyclists. We've had our days of 50 degree temps and rain, not to mention 100 degrees and 40 MPH winds. But for the most part our winter exercise does not involve getting on a bike and heading outdoors. Mary walks and Tom plays basketball and works out at the gym. The whole indoor trainer thing is too much like work (and it's boring). Once the weather breaks we'll be back out there on the roadies getting ready for our fourth ride in Death Valley. Yes, we are in the process of forming the 2008 team and we have committed to ride in DV once again. Remember that "insane" comment from earlier in this post? Yeah, that's us.