Sunday, November 06, 2005

Sunday night thoughts

No weekly mileage update this Sunday. We just got our bikes back on Thursday and since it was such a nice day I did go out for a quick 10 mile ride. It is interesting that a year ago 10 miles would have been a serious excursion and now it's just a warm up. I have three picture links I want to share so you can see more photos of Death Valley.

The first is from Bright Room Photography
Follow the link and you'll see pictures of Tom. These are for sale, however as far as I know none of the proceeds go to JDRF. If you click on the "event home" link on the top of the page you can then enter a bib number or a person's last name. For example, enter Bib # 536 to see photos of Mary.

Second is The Adventure Corp web site
Lots of great photos catergorized by which part of the ride we were on. There are shots of the West Michigan ride team scattered through out.

Finally is The Heeren Brothers web site
Fellow riders Mark and Terri put up a bunch of photos that they took.

We also have had over 700 hits on this web site. Next week we should also have the final totals of how much money we raised for the cure.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

New photos available

I added a link to Flickr which has more photos of our ride. Look for the badge on the left side of the page, click on one of the tiny photos and it will take you to the Flickr web site where you can see our other Death Valley photos.